Environmental Heresies

May 20th, 2005

I found an article by Stewart Brand, entitled “Environmental Heresies” very thought provoking. The introduction said: ‘The founder of “The Whole Earth Catalog” believes the environmental movement will soon reverse itself on four core issues.’ The Web address for the article is: http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/05/05/issue/feature_earth.asp?p=1


May 16th, 2005

I am re-reading “Hackers” by Steven Levy and find it even more fascinating now that the events are further back in time. I am curious to know where the “hacker” spirit is alive today.

First Contact !

May 7th, 2005

Saturday, May 7, 2005 : First contact between Harry and outside universe via a blog. This is it! So much to say, so little time… so many words, so few needed for the essence. It seems to me that the evolving ecology of blogs and search engines points toward fundamental changes in the nature of […]